I Feel Fine


1:BG7aby's good to me you know
she's happy as can be you know
she said so
DI'm in love with hCer and C7I feel fGine.
2:Baby says she's mine you know
she tells me all the time you know
she said so
I'm in love with her and I feel fine.
R:GI'm so glHmad that shCe's my little gD7irl
shGe's so glHmad, she's tCelling all the wD7orld.
3:Baby buys her things you know
he buys her diamond rings you know
she said so
she's in love with me and I feel fine.
5:=3. + shDe's in love with mCe and C7I feel fGine mmm ...
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:12.375+00:00
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